Thursday, April 24, 2014

Software, Hardware and Networks

Activity 5 - Software, Hardware and Networks Answer the following questions:

1. Which would you rather have—a handheld computer or a tablet computer? Why?
            - it is very common that all things must have their own differences it is to ensure that the user will be having choices on what fits to their personality and what makes them comfortable. With the use of handheld computer and tablet computer, they are very useful in their own way. But what’s best for me is the handheld computer with the main reason of even if it is small it functions like a normal computer. The only advantage of the tablet is that it is touch screen and its advantage is that the application and software that you can be able to use are very limited. The handheld computer can do everything what a tablet computer can do but the tablet cannot do everything what a handheld can do.

2. If cost were not an issue, describe the characteristics of your ideal computer. What would you use it for? Which operating system would you want it to run?
            - the operating system that I will be using will still be Windows. What I wanted to have first is a very fast computer that will eliminate waiting time in using any kinds of applications, software and transactions and an unlimited storage.

3. Define Software as a Service. Discuss some of the pros and cons of using software as a service.
            - Software as a service is typically known as a service provider. It gives an access on particular software and its function in a web-based service. It is useful in a way that it has a very strong usability, since it can be used through a web-based you can be able to use it anytime and anywhere you want as long as you have the proper equipment but one of its problems is that it demands payment and an internet connection. It is expensive that you are still investing a cost every time you will use it.

 4. Why is an organization that employs centralized processing likely to have a different management decision-making philosophy than an organization that employs distributed processing?
            - I think in using a centralized processing, it is a need to employ different management decision-making to be able to separate and consist different results that can be evaluated as a basis for letting that decision be recorded in the database. While distributed processing comes from different sources they can be able to have different decisions that will be very useful for their evaluation.

 5. Social networks are being widely used today. Describe how this technology could be used in a business setting. Are there any drawbacks or limitations to using social networks in a business setting?
            - as what I have observed, almost all people are very much reliable on what the technology could offer whether it is about the business, health, sports, news and even their social life. It is very effective now as a means of business because what tends to trend will grasp the interest of an individual. It is very useful as an advertisement with just a few steps you can be able to expose and spread a business without even noticing that you are not investing too much or acquiring a big capital. But still it has a limitation most especially when it comes to its security, reliability and of course the expenses on acquiring internet connection, aside from that, today, it not yet being undergone a thorough discussions in terms of legality.

6. One of the key issues associated with the development of a Web site is getting people to visit it. If you were developing a Web site, how would you inform others about it and make it interesting enough that they would return and tell others about it?
            - I have to consider what the trends are when it comes to their interest. The first factor that could perceive people’s attention is the content and purpose of your site. It needs to be reliable, correct, precise and entertaining. The web site that I will be making must be attractive, simple yet elegant. The physical interface must be accordingly designed for the ease of use, well organized and understandable since it is the very first thing that the visitor could see and notice. Through that, the viewers will be very excited and proud to share to others what they have discovered during their visit in your web site.

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